Cognitive Services
The site was created as a demonstration to showcase NAVA’s cognitive abilities. By using the site, the user accepts the terms of use. An image specified over HTTP access or uploaded as a file is stored and made available via a unique link that can be shared freely. Images of minors that are offensive, inciting, racist, adult, or disturbing or violating privacy rights may not be uploaded. The system automatically scans for this content and, if it detects it, automatically disables it. If infringing content is detected or reported by a user, it will be investigated immediately and, if applicable, disabled. The uploader is responsible for the content of the uploaded images, NAVA only provides the cognitive skills for analysis. Everyone uses the site at their own risk, we do not translate the detected objects to teach the system, we do not take responsibility for it, and we do not identify any person who does not qualify as a public figure.